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Youth supporting elderly

Youth supporting elderly

Elderly people need affection, attention and extra care in order to maintain their own well-being.
There are circumstances in where people suffer from dementia. Dementia senile is compound by a group of symptoms that limits certain activities, after a neuronal loss; so, it is characterized by a progressive deterioration of cognitive functions. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia.
Families may send their sick relative to residences or day care centres.
It's important that youth get familiarized with patients condition. Many associations get support from adults, but this adults not necessarily know how to promote their work to those people called Generation Y or a global audience.
The intention is to generate a mutual learning in which both adults and youth take responsabilities.

1 people signed the petition

Name Country Date
Mafer Mexico Apr 30, 2013

Reached 0 signatures

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